Thursday, February 24, 2005

Well Shut My Mouth!

I grumpily arrived at work at 12:30, then 45 minutes later Towson decided to close at 3:30--so I get a nice half-day at the commencement of my weekend.

Because of 2-3 inches of snow. I can understand Houston shutting down in a 3-inch snow, but it snows regularly in Baltimore, and after the last three winters we should be able to handle this.

But I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth!

Tonight Cha is going to Borders because she loves a band to which I'm indifferent. Good to see 043 getting a potential draw, but too bad it's happening during a snowstorm, heh-heh.


Nick said...

Grrrr--still open, and no sign of closing. This comes from serving two schools and being our own 'entity'.

Geoff said...

Yeah, we were just talking about you guys still being open--typically TU stays open until Goucher and Loyola close, but today, thank God, it's not the case!

One time my friend Ken and I fell asleep in the library there between classes and a freak snowstorm dumped 8 inches in three hours. It took me 6 hours to get home.

Nick said...

If I had a nickel for every time you told me the snowstorm story...

Geoff said...

Yeah, but last time it was my friend Brian and it dumped 6 inches in three hours and took 8 hours to get home

Anonymous said...

Geoff, have you heard about this book? It's supposed to be really good.