Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Things I Hate Today

10) I hate the fact that Thomas Kincaid makes lots of money.

9) I hate Anne Geddes' stuff.

8) I really hate Benny Hinn

7) Your 15 minutes have got to be wound down by now, Kelly. Jesus!

6) I've hated everything I've seen by the Farrelly Bros--and especially Shallow Hall. Yet people keep bringing these movies over to my house and showing them to me, promising me I'll like them. I must be really out of touch (strangely, I don't hate being out of touch).

5) Ditto #6, but replace the Farrelly Bros with Mr. Show.

4) I hate Ben Stiller. I also hate his dad.

3) I hate Monica Crowley and Ron Reagan. They need to stop.

2) I hate him for abusing docile dogs--they should maul their master. Now. And film it. I'd buy that.

1) Ugh!


Anonymous said...

Last I heard, Kincaid had overextended his empire and was in the red.

Dali's main motivation was to compensate for (ahem) inability to satisfy the opposite sex due to extreme tinyness.

Anonymous said...

1) Wegman drugs his dogs. DRUGS THEM!

2) How can you hate the Painter of Light?!

I have been trying to leave you notes for days NAY WEEKS! Blogger hates me.


Anonymous said...

Also: there is a Dali here that was donated to the museum with the condition that it must always be displayed. The curators hate it so much that it is in this ugly, badly lit ante-room which the average tourist could easily NEVER see, without even a bench to sit on as you gaze at it. Ha!


Anonymous said...

I'll rephrase the comment on Dali - it was "due to the extremity of his tinyness".

Geoff said...

I HATE that "Last Supper." It belongs in a stairwell.

The "painter of light." I shudder to think!

Nick said...

It warms the cockles of my heart to know that Dali's "Last Supper" is universally eschewed . Small dick or no, he is one absolutely wretched painter that I do not care for.

For some reason that I cannot explain Kincaid does not bother me at all. He amuses me much more than Kostabi . His website rules--what with the Sam Raimi Evil Dead Cam effect on his paintings. I also must confess to being mesmerized whenever Benny Hinn is on--we've discussed this before. I just wish I could make it to his inner circle like Michael Valentine Smith. And, uh, I like American Idol but not anyone who wins.

As I waste SO much time on this post...

Never heard of Mr. Show...and of COURSE the Farrelly Bros. and Anne Geddes suck. Ahhh, just yesterday I got castigated for poo-pooing Zoolander--which I've never seen and don't intend to. Ben Stiller sucks and Wes Anderson does too! His father is the worst and how in HELL did the King of Queens get "hitched" to her ! I guess she likes funny guys (or maybe he doesn't suffer from Dali's affliction quite so much).

I don't Crowley or Reagan--are they related to Mr. Crowley or the dead president?

And speaking of Wegman... can I give you a entire bevy of artists to lavish insults upon?

Van Gogh
Robert Crumb
Domenikos Theotokopoulos

Lovers of these swine should be cast into a special circle of Hell where Mona Lisa rides reverse cowgirl on The Vitruvion Man in the Caves at Altimara while the cherubs from Raphael's Sistine Madonna smite them down with the mephitic fumes of their lead white cum. Ehhhrrrrrrah!

Geoff said...

Excellent. Though there are some paintings by Monet I like (he typed with trepidation), and I like many by Bosch (and adore several others)--there are even a couple Dali ones I like (including that auto-sodom one you linked).

I HATE The King of Queens! Now that I saw his nuptial photo, I loathe him even more.

Perhaps he's more R. Crumb than S. Dali?

I watch Benny Hinn too--that's good trash TV--but I hate him. Often I flip to Benny Hinn when Elimidate is on commercial.

Geoff said...

Oh, and there are some Caravaggios I admire as well. Van Gogh? Can't hate him because his diaries rule.

Nick said...

Diaries aren't paintings.

Dude, isn't there an album by McCartney and Michael Jackson called fucking "Pipes of Peace" with a Van Gogh chair painting come to life on it????? For heaven's sake, the man let Gaugin tease him to tears!! Let it go! Bosch...Bosch...BOSCH, you are not fit to lick the boots of Bruegel! Snap! And I refuse to put one more damn Lire into the automated coinboxes in those stupid cathedrals just so light can shine on a Caravaggio disturbing the Mass in progress. No one is worth that my friend.

Monet, Kincaid, Dali, DALI--splutter splut

I'm going home to cry over my Albert Marquet reproductions.

Brunelleschi--take me now!!!

Nick said...

More like Meat Pipes of Peace.

Nick said...

To clarify: I don't really truly hate anyone, I just don't particularly care for anyone in the above list. Actually it probably is a reaction to the stunning popularity of said artists more than any real dislike. I'm sure they all have their own merits.

Geoff said...

Breugel vs. Bosch--and I'm talking Breugel I or II--no competition. Bosch also can't hold a candle to less-well-knowns like Petrus Christus, Gerard David, Hans Memling, etc--but despite the fact every burnout with intellectual predilictions has a Bosch poster next to his Dali poster, I still like Bosch for his refusal to be mimetic at a time when it was wholly unfashionable to be otherwise.

One of my favorite things about you is the way you plant the flag of your opinions with authority.

It's easy to refuse to use light-up Lira now that the Euro holds sway over all the Caravaggios in Rome...

I don't know anything about MJ/PM except for that awful, reprehensible song "The Girl is Mine, dawgone girl is mine..."

If you asked 100 Americans who Zhang Yimou is, 99 will scratch their heads--if you asked the same group who Jackie Chan is, 1 would scratch his/her head.

Marc J. Hampton said...

If the image is sold on blank note cards, diaries, stained glass, bookmarks or calendars, or if he does anything at all in Central Park, then the artist deserves your hatred.

Geoff said...

What, you don't like enormous guillotines draped in fabric the color of children's chewable aspirin cluttering up your park? What's wrong with you!?

Nick said...

Ugh, computer problems. Anyway...

Yimou vs. Chan is not akin to Rembrandt vs. Dali as I enjoy them both. However, I will-- without any hesitation, choose Chan over Yimou. Yimou vs. Chan is also akin to asking the person on the street about Michelangelo vs. Titian. Both Chan and Michelangelo are popular for a very good reason--like Elvis--they are so kick ass that they transcend taste and reach into the hearts of all humanity...yeah right!

Thanks for the Christus and Memling mention--they are great!

Maybe I plant my flag so strongly because a friend of mine once told me: Constable or Turner, you can't like both--YOU MUST TAKE SIDES!!!!
It's Constable and it hasn't changed so far.

Say say say whatchu wanna say!! Not only is it a phot by Linda McCartney but the sculpture is by Clive Barker--WTF?

"enormous guillotines draped in fabric the color of children's chewable aspirin"--explain please!

Geoff said...

Bizarre that Clive Barker did a chrome sculpture chair!

Just had to bring up Yimou vs. Chan again--why not? I love both also, but one is an international celebrity doing crappy movies for Disney and a huge audience when he should be making Kung Fu flicks, and the other was relatively unknown until he started making crappy blockbuster Kung Fu flicks.

Also better than Bosch--the Cranach boyz!!!!

And you don't know The Gates?

Nick said...

Well I told you I try and stay away from Christo!! Jeez, if I didn't know what it was supposed to be I would have thought it was just a construction site.

And a shout out to Robert Campin!!!!

Geoff said...

I second that emotion!