Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Decisions, decisions

So it's that time of the semester when we're supposed to submit classes and times we'd like to teach next year, and I've been thinking I should teach one or two classes again next semester, but then thinking "Why in God's name would I want to do that?"

Mysteriously, four former students have been in here tonight asking for help. I've seen two others while roaming the stacks, and just now ran into another sitting in the lobby. It's as though some mystical force has brought them out of the woodwork to help make up my mind.

Then, I picked up The Towerlight, and there on the cover is a former student, just back from her American Idol experience (she did rather well, apparently).

Seeing all these folks tonight has decided me: I never want to teach again if I can avoid it!


Anonymous said...

That article is priceless. Not only does she say AI is her favorite show, but:

"I want to pursue music. I'm looking toward Christian pop," she said. Aren't we all, G., looking toward Christian pop? I think we are.


Geoff said...

I love the whole "I'm an Evangelical, but it's ok to flirt with Simon to try and win" ethic.

Cha, by the way, is very excited about the karaoke event, and loved the flyer!

Anonymous said...

Dammit, I want to go just to see Cha!

Anonymous said...

Hey, well I'm glad SOMEONE's gonna be there.