Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Comfy, but damn noisy

So I'm in my new "office," which, in actuality, is a corner of the storage/HVAC room behind the Periodicals service desk. It's a bit bright back here, and the HVAC equipment is so noisy I can hear it over the Buddy Guy CD blaring in my headphones right now, but I like it nonetheless. I'm going to put up posters and pictures and bibelots next week, and might even bring in an Ikea throw rug, a bean-bag chair, some paper lanterns and an incense burner. I have a bookcase which hides me from the occasional journal-searching soul who sneaks back here, and next week I'm getting some cubicle walls to further my isolation.

I'm all alone back here! Hooray! Though today's kind of annoying because all the Aunties want to see how I set it up, and then they want to comment on how I set it up, and each one tells me how "cozy" it is, and then asks if the noise bothers me.

Yes, it does--but she is not here.

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