Wednesday, March 09, 2005


So I finally got off my ass and met Eve before work today, and she was completely pleasant and tolerated me as I paced around the kitchen and dining room with her in the crook of my arm (all the while thinking "Oh, God, I'm holding somebody's baby, and may drop her at any time!"--a dread feeling). She's more beautiful even then her photos, however, which helped calm me down. Mommy looks great and seems completely at ease--confident, comfortable, and only a bit weirded out by the whole experience. Baby toots and spit-up before work, hooray!

After a pleasant lunch with red wine and Springeresque family story chit-chat, I'm back in my hole at the Liberry, surrounded by Aunties talking about knitting, their cats, their grumpy hubbies, haircut disasters, and hair dye! Sometimes you don't get the headphones on in time and then it's too late; I had to exist on the periphery of this conversation as it unfolded around me--three Aunties standing right at my desk, another seated across the way. No escape!

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