Wednesday, October 06, 2004

New Old Music

I bought some new old music from Amazon:

Fucking brilliant. I'd heard it a couple times as Music AM at Borders--J357 used to play it time and again. Mick Ronson rules--at points on this album he sounds like Tonni Iommi. I was thinking the other day about buying whatever album has Bowie's "Andy Warhol" track--I used to have it on 45 and taught myself the riff on guitar in like '85.

Hadn't heard

in probably 20 years. "Why Does it Hurt When I Pee?" "Catholic Slut" and "Fembot in a Wet T-Shirt"--these tracks not only hold up, I like them better now than I did as a teen. I appreciate the instrumentation much more as well (mostly because I'm not pulling a four-foot bong while listening anymore).

Sometimes the production on "new" bluegrass recordings can sound too clean, too sharp. That's the case with


but I still like them both a great deal. Both artists are very pure singers, both have assembled kick-ass bands whose members aren't afraid to ramp up already fast classics to new crazy tempos. Dolly even turns a turgid and painfully bad old Billy Joel ballad into a can o' banjo whoop-ass. For some reason I don't like really crisp and clear playing on bluegrass recordings--there should be slip-ups and twangs and toppy recordings; the sound on each of these discs is woefully impeccable. But I still catch myself saying goddam at some of the soloing here.


Nick said...


Geoff said...

do you like it? was it worth the wait?

Nick said...

Yes and unbelievably YES YES YES!!!!!