Thursday, October 14, 2004


Sullivan is exactly correct on the Kerry Mary Cheney dust-up. Why doesn't HE run for President?


Anonymous said...

1) I think Sullivan would rather be king than president. He's a little too aristocratic for America.

2) "Elizabeth Edwards, during an interview with ABC News Radio this morning had the following response:

"It makes me really sad that that's Lynne's response. I think that it indicates a certain degree of shame with respect to her daughter's sexual preferences that I'm certain makes her daughter uncomfortable. That makes me very sad on a personal level." "

HEE HEE HEE! Gay-lovin' Moms are the best.

A bit more: I don't find it offensive, but I do find it sort of tacky. Sullivan talks about interracial dating - in fact, if someone were up there blabbing about the evils of miscegenation, and his opponent was like, "Well your VP's daughter is dating a black man," that would also be tacky. Not mean, not cruel, not news - but just a little offsides to bring up a sensitive topic to score debate points. - Em

Geoff said...

And I'm sure that in the bowels of the DNC James Carville had despicable, cynical motives for coaching Kerry to bring it up--namely, freak out the Christian Right.

I note with sadness that Kerry's quip got him pounded in the post-debate spin, and "lost" him the debate in the weekend press. Meanwhile, Bush's significant fib about Osama bin Laden got virtually no coverage after Wednesday evening.