Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Day 27

My first period nut jobs were sedate this morning, so I knew I was in for it later. Sure enough, the relatively calm 3rd period class was off the chain. I bounced a girl with an office referral five minutes in, handed out 3 1-hour detentions, played loud country music, banged on my desk with a broken chair rung, and finally turned a three-question classwork paper into a QUIZ WORTH 1000 POINTS. That finally quieted things down.

Last period was a laugh-a-minute. I told the kids to write plays about bad things that could happen if they break my classroom rules. I said "you should have a student play me so your plays will be funny" and oh my goodness the kids were so excited. They went more nuts then usual. I lost complete control of them during "rehearsals." I can't wait to see the plays tomorrow.

On the not-so-fun side, a murder victim was found on the school campus over Xmas break. No info forthcoming yet.

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