Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Capitalism gone berzerk

The Earl of Pembroke forwarded this site. It's strange enough that such a product was developed and manufactured, but even worse, I found on their FAQ tab:

Q: "Is there a battery attachment?"

A: No. The Banana Guard was designed for its intended purpose only as a device to prevent banana trauma during transport.


Nick said...

Read that FAQ substituting the word penis for banana.

I was refilling our pepper shaker this morning and I looked at the tin. It was colored the same as McCormick's and had the old fashioned Mc lettering but the name was McShillings or something pretty damn close to that. I thought, man old McShillings has got some damn nerve ripping off McCormick that way! But then I looked at the side of the tin and it said product of McCormick--WTF? Fascinating!

Geoff said...

I just Googled McCormick pepper and they own a pepper subsidiary called Schillings. McSchillings might be a made-up conflation of the two trademarks?

I've got banana trauma.

Nick said...

My google skills must be lacking this evening. McShillings--more like Scrooge McDuck. The best part is that the Shillings is written in a completely different typeface. It looks like shit, stylistically some sort of Frankenstein's monster logo. The McCormick Mc might be copyrighted.

Oh, National Treasure= Freemasons = must see.

Geoff said...

We'll see. Could be a cool conspiracy theory turned bad by Hollywood (a la Dan Brown's DaVinci Code).

I saw on latenight MSNBC some guys who figured out how to decode a Civil War Freemason's geometrically encrypted maps. They were digging up 100s of pounds of gold in jars all over the South.

Nick said...

OOOOhhh that's real neat! Let me know if you come across anything on the net about that!

You might be interested in this--

evidently the "new world" means "new pussy", of course we both knew this was the real "mission". Anyway, you professed admiration of the diredtor last week I think...

Nick said...


Geoff said...

Columbus' groin was filled with green deathJim Morrison, An American PrayerYeah, I really loved the two Mallicks I've seen. And now he's got one with HNAs.

I tried to find stuff online about that weird Confederate Gold story--I found*

which I think was written by one of the guys. Some insomniac channel surfing gets fuzzy recall.