Monday, November 01, 2004


Kerry in an electoral vote landslide--and we'll know by 11pm tomorrow night. The Senate will be tied 50-50 after Barney Frank wins Kerry's vacated MASS Senate seat in a special election this winter, making VP Edwards the deciding vote, but his vote will rarely be necessary because McCain/Snowe/Collins/Chafee will caucus with the Democrats, and Hagel will occasionally jump in as well. The House will stay Red but the Blues will pick up 7 or 8 seats. I'm basing this on nothing other than hope, and my own biased reading of certain indicators, and readings of others' spinning of said indicators.

I gleefully look forward to having a new President. I'll start trashing his ass as soon as he takes office.

If I'm wrong, and W. is again The Guy, I'll buy a shack in Alaska and get a gig on a fishing boat for 5k a month--they're about to legalize weed up there and I'm ready to drop the fuck out for the next four years. I can read Gibbon and Plutarch and think about how little things have changed. When they start digging in ANWAR I'll go detonate myself in protest, or at least I'll quote de Beauvoir at the fuckers:

Il y avait un mot qui revenait souvent dans la bouche des adultes: c’est inconvenant. Le contenu en était quelque peu incertain. Je lui avais d’abord attribué un sens plus ou moins scatalogique.


Anonymous said...

Did you hear about Louisiana's Senate race? Senators elected there have to have at least 50% of the vote, and neither the Dem or GOP candidate is projected to have that tomorrow, so (if necessary) a runoff will decide it in December. So it may be the better part of 2 months before we know who will control the Senate!!

Geoff said...

Same thing happened two years ago with Landreau, but she won. I'd heard the Rep was uncomfortably close to 50%--hopefully they don't score that because it would be a pickup for them (tho Breaux, even though a [D], was only nominally a [D], much like the dearly soon-departed Zel M.).

Nick said...

I look forward to having Bush again as President. I'll start trashing YOUR Frenchie frog quoting traitor ass for sticking around and moaning instead of moving up to Alaska.

--B ill W oszowski, Esq.

Geoff said...

"Nobody is molesting me! Nobody is stealing my rams! Nobody has blinded me!" quoth the Cyclops Polyphemus.

Nick said...

Sputter, splut quoth the heavy red lidded one eyed snake, Jake,,,,ob Cr4eutzer sonata dis-ease ointment purveyor!!!

Tyme to go hooomee, and tomorrow, the end of civilization as we know it???