Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Ah, Travel

There's nothing like the prospect of travel to boost my spirits. We're going to Honduras for 5 days in January--I'm looking forward to hiking some mountains, and in particular to seeing my first Mayan ruins in Copan. This will be our 13th country and 4th continent!

This past weekend we traveled to Baltimore's Creative Alliance to see Woody Guthrie Dreams Before Dying; Cha'd seen it before, and had been pressing me to do so ever since. It was pretty good, but I mostly liked the songs. We got home after to find a message from Yahtzee alerting us to the fact that Move Like Seamus was playing. We hadn't the slightest idea, and went on Saturday night to see them at O'Shea's. The three of us shot the shit for a while and then The Bus showed up with some Hamdenite who spent much of the night with her fingers twirling Yahtzee's mullet. She was begging him to cut it and ended up getting him so rowdy he stayed past his bedtime. Then she told him she was engaged and he deflated with a loud SPPPLLLLBBBBBTTTT. There was a much smaller crowd than last month, but the two or three tables packed by newbies were very enthusiastic (they actually chanted for encores). Details are hazy. I remember "dancing" to a Cure song.

Off tomorrow (after teaching 263). I decided to ditch Cook Library Wednesday because I have to work Sunday--it's not fair to get short-shrifted on a four-day weekend because I work the weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"SPPPLLLLBBBBBTTTT". Bah! There where worse sounds in the mens room that night.
