Thursday, November 11, 2004

Moderate my ass

I don't understand why everyone's calling Gonzales a moderate. Ok, scratch that--I DO know why they're calling him a moderate. Because one time as a Justice on the Texas Supreme Court he voted to allow a teenager to get an abortion without notifying her parents. In other words, he voted to allow this young lady to do what Texas law says she's allowed to do. This doesn't mean he's a moderate; hell, even if he's ultra-pro-choice he's no moderate when stacked against the other stuff he's for.

I'm sorry, but this kind of one-issue focus is ridiculous. The guy is way right, regardless of abortion, or the fact he's not agitating to abolish affirmative action. He's helping the President break 80 years of established international and US law, for Christ's sake!

He's also going to be confirmed, and probably easily, because conservatives will be glad he's not in line for Rehnquist's slot, and liberals will love the abortion vote. Watch for McCain and Warner and Graham and other Republicans aghast at Abu Ghraib to question him at least if not more forcefully than many liberal Senators will.

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