Wednesday, April 22, 2009


a crazy one, even by my standards:

I go on a long driving trip to commit an elaborate suicide. A surgeon is going to remove my face and feed it to people, and then gradually harvest my organs for donation. I submit to the first part of the operation and have half a face, when the surgeon gets second thoughts and decides I should wait until tomorrow before continuing with the procedure. Those who've already eaten half my face object, and I must admit it smells good, having been prepared in Japanese golden curry.

But we wait anyway over even my own objections, and decide to have dinner in the mall food court. There somebody is telling me I should talk to Dr. Phil, and then they mention that everyone whose Chi is messed up goes through this.

I'm going to ask my Tai Chi instructor if this is true, and then I wake up to the alarm.


alicia said...

I had a crazy dream about a week or so ago, where everyone in my family was being sent to war, both my brothers, my father and then even Patricia and they were all killed...I woke up crying.

fernie said...

Promise me that you won't ever go to Amsterdam again!