So today we had professional development day, with the option of working in our classroom or attending PDs elsewhere. I needed classroom time badly, and spent the first two hours re-vamping the room arrangment, putting out new books and rearranging my classroom library, doing schnazzy new displays, etc. I was so relaxed and happy and eager today, and made a new literature unit board and a new reading board. The whole time I was thinking about my kids and how they would react.
And then at 10 the Big Cheese announced 12 names of people who needed to see him before noon. Mine was one of them. I knew immediately what it was because I'd figured it was coming (I even speculated about it yesterday here. My own prescience alarms me~)As soon as he made the announcement I started packing my shit and stopped hanging new stuff on the walls. When my appointment came the Big Cheese was very upset--he'd begged me to stay at the Book last year, after all, and had fought to keep me--but because of seniority he had no choice, etc. He was actually tearing up.
They cut 14 of us. We have to go to a job fair Monday night to see what schools have openings. We're still guaranteed slots in the City school system, but have to move to schools that have lost staff or which have had an increased enrollment and need more teachers. All the support staff who have seniority at the Book are going back into classrooms, while the first and second year teachers such as myself are getting axed.
At the bar after work my buds bought my drinks and a couple of the insiders told us how hard the administrators fought to keep us. They had their own list of 14 names which was refused by Doc Alonzo the CEO. He said they had to shave rookies and certain vets were untouchable, poor performance or no. A team is going to headquarters Monday, teachers from the Book who have Alonzo's ear (including Lukie)--but I don't hold out much hope. It's great that they're going to try advocating for us, however. Stand-up folks indeed.
I love many of my team-mates. I will miss them dreadfully. We've been through hell together. I love my kids too. I can't face them. How am I going to tell them without falling apart? I've invested so much, and had assumed we'd be together three years as promised. I should have never told the kids that the plan was for me to loop with them their whole middle school careers. They're going to be devastated.
I'm a miserable wreck.
IIIIIIII'm going to miss your crazy-ass stories...
Although who KNOWS what pit of turmoil and despair they might send you to!!!!
I am very very very sorry to hear about all this misery though... I can't believe they cut YOU in favor of seniority! fucking bureaucratic piss-ants.
I swear to god it doesn't matter who gets elected president. We're all run by bureaucratic c-(or d) students who clog the system and make sure that nothing of value succeeds or rises to the top. It actually seems like this is done on purpose. but I don't think they are smart enough to do this shit on purpose.
maybe you can come up to NY and work for me? we're going CRAZY busy up here... I could use someone with some experience with inner city muscle to keep my C and D student clients in line...
:) jv
yeah, I'm bummed. There's no consideration of who comes in an hour early and leaves two hours late every day, or who spends money to make sure their kids have the best shit available, or who actually shows up for work. Seniority is all that matters!
Oh, well. I'm pretty sure my kids will be ok. There's a semi-retired language arts teacher in the building who was reduced to a support role this year--I think she's going to get my classes. She actually kicks ass. I hope they get her!
And you're right--I could end up in an even more terrifying school. There are good schools whose enrollment increased and they need staff, and there are awful schools which have openings because nobody else will go there. Could be interesting to see where I end up.
Oh god, Geoff. When I saw your facebook status my heart sank -- I knew this had to be the reason. I am so sorry.
Woah sorry man. What a nasty bureaucratic punch to the gut. Maybe it'll turn out better though? You might get placed somewhere where you can actually teach.
Man, I'm pissed. Doin' some boozing for you.
Damn. That is one raw deal Geoff. That's the WORST, ain't no way around it.
My heart just broke for your kids...what a loss. That is devastating...I am thinking of you...
Lil Sis
I'm so sorry, Geoff. This sucks. I'm so sorry for you and for your kids. I can not believe this is happening.
You have to know that even if you were only in the school for a short time you have definitely made their lives better. I know they know how much you love them, this is not your fault.
Things like this should not happen to good people, and I believe somehow some way the universe is going to do right by you.
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