Saturday, February 24, 2007


Wicker Man does for paganism what Jesus Christ Superstar did for Christianity, namely dumbing down the tenets of the belief system for hippies and setting it to painfully bad music. A totally square copper investigates the disappearance of a young girl on an outlying Celt island. There is more outdoors fucking on Summersisle than in a Zola novel, and quickly Detective Howie realizes that the residents are practicing that really old time religion. They play him for the Fool, literally. Christopher Lee hams it up, and Brit Eckland can't act, can't dance, and definitely can't sing, but she's very skilled at being naked.

Belongs in that groovy class of unscary horror films which includes such classics as Let's Scare Jessica to Death, Equinox, and Season of the Witch.


Geoff said...

Well, I saw Equinox on Channel 45 in like 1983, so it's hard to say. I hear the Criterion treatment was lush!

I didn't hate Wicker Man at all. The review was meant more tongue-in-cheek than it comes across. The ending was very effective, and after watching Jesus Camp today I'd like to see it repeated again and again.

Geoff said...

I should also point out that I thoroughly enjoyed Season of the Witch and I've seen Let's Scare Jessica to Death about five times.

Anonymous said...

didn't see this new remake yet

but I LOVED the original (that's why I kind of put off seeing this one... thought they might ruin it)

total cheeze, but the ending still freaks me out just thinking about it

:) jv

Geoff said...

Wow. I was totally unaware there was a remake, and linked to the wrong version as a result. This error has been rectified.

Anonymous said...

I figured you were reviewing the original since the remake looks totally inane.