Monday, February 20, 2006


I don't understand a culture that puts so much stock in blood over morality that anything perpetrated by kin must be forgiven. Rocco is described by one of his brothers as a "saint"; there's no doubt this is accurate. He's also a bit of a holy fool--he needs to ditch Simone's worthless ass instead of continuing to enable him.
Of course, I've got the benefit of having shelved many self-help books. Rocco missed this opportunity working as a dry cleaning delivery boy and a boxer.

I've also got the benefit of having a worthless father, a being beneath contempt. I learned at a young age not to regard blood ties as more significant than any other relationship. Rocco had great parents, but when his father dies and he and his family have to look for work in Milan, things get tricky.

Despite my disagreements with Rocco, I loved this film. Painfully beautiful, full of hope and despair. Without the differing characters of the brothers we'd loose not only the Biblical references, but the Marxist as well. 3 hours have never gone by so quickly. I can see why Martin Scorsese loves it so much, and how it influenced his work, particularly Raging Bull.

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