Monday, January 31, 2005

Amber Frey gets a goddam book deal....

...and this guy--my new hero--gets naught!



Even cooler than DaVinci's workroom.

Angelina Jolie beware.


Nick said...

And I counter with THIS!!! Ha HA! Third set of screenshots down sir!

Shit I had to google Amber Frey, I don't know what's current anymore. Doug Dworkin's password was Gilgamesh. I thought Da Vinci was a place. Or a pasta. Whatreallyhappened guy is gonna bust you man.

Geoff said...

WRH guy steals his shit from the same sites I do--including primarily Fortean Times.

Must add The Beast to my Netflix queue. Looks worth a peep.

Amazing HAs in here--and not just the staff.

Nick said...

you too serious!!!!!

Geoff said...

I wish you could have seen what I seen this evening, sitting at the table with one foot up on her chair.

Nick said...

No I meant the accusations of theft. I know you're serious about HA. Been kind of slow here, but remember I have the twins, or really they have me.

Geoff said...

We've got a great mix of Japanese/Korean/Taiwanese/Senegalese/Nigerian going on this semester.

Never serious about anything BUT HA.