We had a Community "greening" event yesterday. Several of us met at the sculpture garden across from our house to bag a pile of mulch and to clean, weed, and mulch the tree wells along Madison Ave. A group of Jewish teens volunteered to help us for their JServe work.
We worked for about two and half hours. I found a syringe with its needle still attached, several razors, and a dozen or more blue-cap vials. Just from the tree wells and the sculpture garden we pulled out more than twenty bags of garbage and weeds.

R., a real estate agent who lives on Madison, suggested we have a cookout later in the day. We all agreed to go buy stuff and Cha volunteered our old grill. Because it was stored in my mother-in-law's shed she had to fetch it from Towson. It was worth it. Here are several people from our block, including the local Matriarch, Mrs. P. She was watching her great-grandkids, saw us cooking, and fetched her hand-carved walking stick to join us.

Several of the kids from the neighborhood dropped by. It was a gorgeous day. After the nor'easter and two weeks of gloomy, chilly weather it was a treat to be outside.

This is Julio's cheeseburger. He claimed it was the Platonic Ideal burger.

No cookout would be complete without a dogfight. I won $10 on the bulldog, Bohdi.
BTW: If you're interested in moving to Reservoir Hill, R. has a listing for a
small house. For only $999,999 you can be our neighbors, one block to the east.
J's former landlord will be downsizing and moving to Brazil in the next few years and I want to buy his house so badly! But we'd never ever be able to afford it :(
We were lucky to buy a house in Towson when every other house in Towson was for sale. Bought low, sold high--otherwise we could have never afforded it down here either.
But never say never!
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