Controversy aside, this worked for me. I started wearing glasses at 5, and was prescribed trifocals at age 12. Going to "eye aerobics" once a week brought me back to nearly 20/20, which lasted until my mid-twenties.
"Elected officials are just removed by force. We live in a militia state even with American troops here. Imagine when they leave. It will be worse than Saddam Hussein's time."
You've been with the professors
And they've all liked your looks
With great lawyers you have
Discussed lepers and crooks
You've been through all of
F. Scott Fitzgerald's books
You're very well read
It's well known
Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?
GHWB was for years an obsession; I thought he was the real brains behind Reagan, and had cooked up all the criminality in what was up to that time the most corrupt Administration ever. Now it pains me to admit that GHWB looks A-OK compared to GWB, whose machinations far outsrip his old man's shenanigans.
GHWB pardoned everyone who could possibly testify to anything that would potentially lead to his own indictment, however, and Bill Clinton was a pussy about pursuing Republican corruption and they sure paid him back for his kindness! Here's hoping W gets outfoxed, and that all his shit hits the fan before Roberts or anyone else gets confirmed. Hmmm....Bush and Cheney indicted by Fitzgerald, and Hastert and DeLay under investigation, and Ohio with its nefarious machine unraveling? Where does it all lead? I think all of these puzzle pieces add up to one big raft of shit for the Admin--but don't count out the Bushies and their wiley ways.
If Bush is indicted before Roberts is confirmed, and Cheney too--the Dems can stall Roberts with impunity, and if there's an impeachment...
Bah! What does it matter? Nixon managed to redeem himself (how about that epitaph!) to the point that his felons can go on TV and blast Mark Felt as a villain. Now that he's roasting in Hell I wonder what counsel he'd give Bush/Rove? I fear an unsatisfactory resolution coming down the pike, even if Fitzgerald nails everyone with indictments (tho that'll be a satisfying day indeed). And I have no confidence in the Democrats to be any better if they manage the miraculous in '06.
Congratulations on the birth, and welcome to little Ava Corrine!
PS: I would gladly have visited Sluggo and Spooge Whore at the hospital, considering they were a few blocks from my front door, but since baby #1 I've been banned from visiting by SW. I made her laugh so much when she had Eli that she popped her staples. Sluggo says he can't even take a picture of me into the delivery room any more. For baby two I showed up and she ordered me out and Sluggo and I drank all night at Bill Bateman's."I have gained this wish today,
and I shall attain that one;
this wealth is mine,
and there will be more.
I have killed that enemy,
and I shall kill others too;
I am the lord, I am the enjoyer,
successful, strong, and happy.
I am wealthy, and wellborn,
without peer,
I shall sacrifice, give, rejoice."