Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Random Xmas pix

An exhausting three days, with travel to and from Glen Rock PA and then to and from Gettysburg and a stop in Parkton MD and Xmas at three houses and two gatherings at our place...I need a nap.

Leesha has just told Ma The Big News: Big Red popped the question, and bought a Cartier signature ring to seal the deal. Ma gave Leesha a big hug and was overjoyed--Leesha pointed to Big Red and instead of giving him a hug Ma hugged Chalupa the dog.

Our place on the 26th.

Our god-daughter is too cute.

Xmas day at my folks'. Extrememly rare to get the entire Mozdy/Godfrey/Martin/Boswell/Friedman/Cruz, etc. clan together at one time. Nobody has enough room!

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