Monday, August 11, 2008


He played guitar during Katrina while Condi shopped for shoes in Manhattan and Brownie did a heckuva job.

Now, while Russia is bombing the shit out of Georgia and re-forging an empire, Bush is checking out hot, quivering volleyball ass.

[photo stolen from Fleshbot--link definitely NSFW]


Anonymous said...

oh come on... conflict in Georgia versus women's volleyball? those 2 aren't even CLOSE to being equal in priority!!!!

many of us would do the same! (certainly a former Clinton would!!! ha ha ha!)

seriously though.. I'm just glad he (seems to) know that it's not OUR state of Georgia the Ruskies invaded...

give him THAT at least!!! i can see him now, sending planes and tanks into Atlanta...

:) jv

Geoff said...

What? I only watch women's beach volleyball for the articles.

fernie said...

What do you want? Our troops invading Georgia to fight off the Russians. I'm so confused! Poor guy can't do anything right. Give him a break!