Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Snow Day

For the second time this winter, a 3-day holiday weekend has been extended by snow. Last night's surprise 5 inches in B'more were a nice gift. Love this peculiar weather: 70 degrees one day, 19 and blustery the next, then 60 degrees, then a snowstorm with ice and sleet mixed in, then high 40's. All the snow that melted today is expected to freeze overnight, which could mean a delayed opening tomorrow.

Because of remodeling last summer our school opened a week late. We were scheduled to stay a week later in June BEFORE these snow days (I think we've used three now). I'll be teaching 'til July 4th at this rate.

But I won't deny the time off was much appreciated. I got a lot of work done Friday after school and on Monday morning, but I also spent some quality time curled up with books, journals, and mags which were long-neglected. I worked out, I got a massage, I hung out with my wife. I drank too much wine. We saw friends and family. It was nice.

Now I move into the Underworld Investigation, starting tomorrow. I'm a bit worried about how it's going to go.

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