Check out the latest in his series of fairy tales:
The Last Songbird
The Sailor Who Drank the Sea
As Leesha and Big Red snorkel around the Galapagos on honeymoon, we get to babysit their Yorkie/Chihuahua mix Chalupa. Needless to say, all the street-cred I developed walking Shino the pitbull around town has evaporated. Now I get sneers from the local toughs, who comment about that "cat on a leash," or that "guinea pig," or that "ferret."
Of course the local ladies adore Chalupa, and they stroke her with their long fake fingernails, painted with Van Gogh or Picasso complexity. The neighborhood kids love her too, and flock around her at the Park.
We had a dog sleep in our bed last night for the first time since we were dating, when Thor the Great Dane would squeeze in with us. Thor weighed 30 times what Chalupa weighs. The big worry with Thor was that he'd get into a position and remain fixed there all night. If his position was your chunk of bed, you were fucked. The big worry with Chalupa is rolling over and smothering her.
Because of Cha's allergies, we made Chalupa sleep on the floor the first night. This just didn't work out. Every hour Chalupa would circle the bed (which is too high for her to jump onto), toenails clicking nervously, whining softly, until I would reach down and pet her, at which point she'd harrumph and retreat to her little rug, only to stir moments later and begin circling again. Last night I put an Ikea stepstool by the bed so she could join us, and we enjoyed an uninterrupted repose.
For two days in a row we've had these wonderful cloud formations just to the east. Had to go up on the roof and take some snaps.
Ma also tells great stories about escaping Marcos's martial crack-down with the family gold stuffed in her bra. She was incredibly lucky to get out, but then was a Marcos supporter over here, and supported Reagan who adored that wretched fascist. People make no sense. If they did they'd be less lovable."You know? There are good Japanese. They are like us. Some of them had to do what they did. They didn't want to, but they had to. Some of them take care of us children. They think we look like their babies at home. Some of them help when they can with food and water. When the Americans are coming the Japanese General, he say 'kill everybody. Kill the villagers.' We did not know. We thought we were saved because the Americans are coming back. But the Japanese are sending soldiers to kill us. Two of the Japanese soldiers run very fast ahead. They run for miles, and it is dangerous to do it because they might get catched. They come and they say 'Run away, the Japanese General says to kill you! The soldiers they are coming!' Everybody is running. We escape into the jungle. Those men save the town. Why did they do that? They are like us."