Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Alan Moore's Kabbalistic superheroine continues her increasingly abstract quest--or, I should say, she continues Moore's increasingly abstract quest to show off all his arcane and esoteric knowledge of the Western occult tradition. I've enjoyed the ride, but this volume strikes me as similar to that second Matrix movie where instead of letting philosophical ideas unfurl through character action and plot, we end up with characters pausing to explain those ideas directly to each other and to the audience.

Promethea fights herself, which, like everything in Promethea, has happened before, and will happen again.

Promethea is in hiding because if she becomes Promethea again Armeggedon will result. Of course the FBI wants her as a terrorist, and no one can elude them for long, especially if Tom Strong joins the hunt. Armaggedon does result, with both a bang and a whimper.