Thursday, November 10, 2005

Dull as a Post

A big shout out to Earthdragon (and Damnyelli by proxy). They allowed me to pilfer their supply of leftover fiberglass goodies. Hopefully I can finish up Phase I of the attic reconstruction project this weekend with these odds 'n ends, and avoid yet another trip to Home Depot.

Not only did I get free insulation, but a mug of coffee to boot. Damnyelli has a bun in the oven that's nearly done...

Tomorrow I'm up early to help BroJ dismantle some dead trees at my in-laws' place. We've re-scheduled this twice due to rain--here's hoping it flies tomorrow because I'm sick of the 7 am phonecalls from my father-in-law. BroJ is getting $500 for his labor; I'm getting a shitload of free firewood. Oil costs as they are, I'm making out much better on the deal. I hope the weather tomorrow is exactly as it was today: cool, blustery, and a bit overcast. I feel such days deep in my marrow.

The weekend looks busy--Friday night with Yahtzee, Saturday night at Buf and MA's for Game Night, and Saturday morning we're looking at a 3,000 square foot condo in Baltimore that might be too good a deal to pass up. I'd like to see Capote and/or Good Night and Good Luck as well, but not likely.

Speaking of Capote:

I read In Cold Blood 15 years ago and still remember it vividly. Check it out!