Wednesday, November 16, 2005


There's a lot of MSM and blog chatter today. I get the sense that Woodward's source is a key component to Plamegate, and that there's some big stuff coming down the pike in the Fitzgerald investigation.

But is it good news or bad? Will Woodward's information derail Fitzgerald's case? Or will he have to disclose another indictable player? Does Bob realize that his desire to maintain access to Administration sources for those blockbuster insider books at the cost of public information is more than a bit reprehensible? Especially given his Watergate provenance.

Check in with Jane and Rawstory and HuffPo regularly folks...

From today's Post:

The abrupt revelation that Woodward has been sitting on information about the Plame controversy has reignited questions about his unique relationship with The Post while writing books with unparalleled access to high-level officials, and about why Woodward minimized the importance of the Fitzgerald probe in television and radio interviews while hiding his own involvement in the matter.

Imagine if Woodward's cocktail party gossip source was Big Dick Cheney...

Update: Rawstory sez it's Hadley....