Thursday, March 26, 2020

The New Normal

Ventured out grocery shopping this morning between my first class and my third period class, during my planning block. First time I went out since Panama went full quarantine. We are now limited to a small shopping window based on the last number of our passports.

I was wearing a hoodie to cover my hair, snorkeling goggles, and a cotton face mask. I'm sure I looked a fright!

My protocol for departure: scrub the kitchen island counter first. Fill the sink with soapy water. Put a basin full of water/bleach solution by the door. Put a folded towel on the floor by the island. Grab a hanky for door handles, picking up groceries and putting them in bags, etc.

At the Foodie two blocks from us, a guard checked my passport, checked my temperature, and gave me a dose of hand sanitizer. As I shopped I touched nothing without a hanky.

Protocol for re-entry: When I returned I left my sandals in the hallway. I opened the door with my elbow. I put my feet in the bleach basin before stepping inside. I placed the re-usable vinyl bag on the towel and stepped on the towel. I washed my hands carefully. I placed the items in the bag on half of the island, then washed my hands again. Then holding them with a rag drenched in cleanser I used another paper towel drenched in cleanser to sanitize each package. I placed items I'd sanitized on the other half of the island. Fruit and sealed plastic or metal containers went directly into the sink of soapy water. After putting all items away I washed my hands again and used the rag and towel to hold and sanitize my keys, wallet, goggles, and credit card. Then I washed my hands again and put those items away. Then I washed the items in the soapy water in the sink and placed them on the counter. Then I washed my hands again and put those items away. Next I stripped down and put my clothes, kerchief, mask, and all towels/rags used on the towel on the floor. I sanitized the handles, bottom, and sides of the vinyl grocery bag. I folded the towel with all clothes and rags inside and threw it into the wash. Then I washed my hands again and sanitized door handles, washer buttons, fridge handles, and faucet/sink/counter again. Then I took a very hot and careful shower with lots of soap--hemp soap, undiluted. Finally, I took a paper towel drenched in cleanser out into the hallway to fetch my sandals, which I put into the storage locker outside. Then, washed my hands again.

My wife suffers asthma and gets bronchitis regularly. I have to take every precaution, and so does she.

It was weird to be outside. Few people, almost all wearing masks and rubber gloves. Very strange and Twilight Zone-esque. How many weeks will this last? Will it ever become routine? Bless those essential folks who are keeping the world turning.


ec/KP said...

glad yer back on this forum. :)

Geoff said...

Baby steps, LOL. FB killed the Blogger star...