Friday, March 27, 2020

La Ley Seca

As part of its coronavirus/COVID-19 strategy, Panama snuck a Ley Seca rule into the mix. This means no booze can be bought or sold for the duration of the crisis.

I'd heard about it happening in the provinces via the Web early this week and bought a few bottles to sock away last Monday just in case the law came to the City. But I've also been considering a dry-out myself for 2020. I haven't done one for a while, and I drink A LOT, and have been drinking A LOT for many decades. A couple months off the sauce can't hurt. (I can say that now without pain because I still have a couple bottles left, LOL).

So after I finish the current bottles of whisky and wine--likely by Sunday--I will be dry. And so will Panama. Meanwhile, I see that back home in the USA booze has been characterized as an essential business. Given what's coming down the pike based on the inaction of the Fed for 2.5 months, y'all will need a steady supply of booze just to read the news. Good luck everyone! And STAY HOME.

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